Life & Living Benefits

It is never a comfortable conversation but having a plan in the event of a death, critical illness, or disability could save you and your family from financial hardship. Find an advisor and ask about life, disability, and critical illness insurance options.

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Life & Living Insurance Benefits

Life Insurance

A life insurance policy protects partners and dependants against financial hardship paying a lump sum of money to the beneficiary in the case of death.

Types of Life Insurance Coverages:

  • Permanent Life – Provides protection for your entire lifetime.
  • Term Life – Provides coverage for a specific period of time (for a fixed number of years or a specific age).
  • Term to 100 – Provides coverage to age 100.

Benefits include:

  • Guarantee payment of the face value of the policy upon death
  • Tax-free benefits

Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance pays you a lump sum of cash if you are diagnosed with a heart attack, stroke, cancer, and more.

Benefits include:

  • Return of premium – If you do not claim a critical illness you can request a return of premium as long as you have fulfilled the minimum time period specified within the policy.
  • Return of premium on death (optional) – Your premiums are returned to your estate.
  • Term critical illness – a policy can be purchased as a term, generally around 10 years.
  • Permanent critical illness – the premiums do not change and the coverage does not expire unless requested by the client.
  • Second event (optional) – If there is a second critical illness, you receive 5% of the policy benefit over and above the base benefit.
  • Waiver of premium (optional) – the premium is waived if you are disabled.

Disability Insurance

A disability insurance plan protects your income in the event you become disabled from a sudden or degenerative condition.

Chose from a variety of plans, including:

  • Non-cancellable
  • Guaranteed renewable
  • Commercial
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