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We offer a wide range of insurance options for all your business needs.

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Learn More About Our Coverage Options

Commercial General Liability

This coverage protects your business against costs associated with a lawsuit.

General Liability Insurance not only covers injuries that may occur at your premises, but it is also intended to protect you against claims for lawsuits that result from the products you sell and the services you provide.

Environmental Impairment Liability

If your business has environmental exposure, consider an Environmental Impairment Liability policy to protect against:

  • Accidental pollution
  • Groundwater contamination
  • Waste and chemical accidents
  • Fuel leaks
  • Exposures from above and underground tanks

Special Event Liability

For those one-off events that require additional coverage above and beyond what your normal policy allows for. Whether it is a booth, kiosk, concession stand, or you are hosting a fair, festival, parade, golf tournament, tradeshow, convention, or charity option, a Special Event Liability policy will protect from the unexpected.

Directors and Officers Liability

Being a Director means that you are personally financially responsible for managerial type decisions that have adverse financial consequences.

Whether you are a for profit, not-for-profit, or privately held company, Directors and Officers liability insurance protects Directors and the organization they serve.

Professional Liability & Errors and Omissions

If your business renders professional services, consider Professional Liability & Errors and Omissions coverage.

This type of policy is designed for doctors, accountants, engineers, consultants, real estate brokers, and any profession that would benefit from the coverage listed below.

Policy coverage includes:

  • Legal and defense costs
  • Coverage against economic or financial loss
  • Privacy failure expense
  • Employment practices
  • Errors in judgement
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Malpractice

Cyber Risk

Coverage for the costs associated with having data systems compromised, whether it was accidental or malicious.

  • Protecting your reputation and brand after a breach of your systems
  • Access to professionals who will find and repair physical damage to your systems or negotiate with hackers
  • Coverage to defend you against lawsuits from individuals impacted by your system breach

Property Coverage

With a variety of insurance companies to choose from, we can find a customized solution for all your insurance needs. Protect against fire, burglary, vandalism, riots, lightning, earthquakes, identity theft, theft, explosion or impact by vehicle, internal water damage, and accidental glass breakage. Protect your assets such as:

  • Buildings
  • Furnishings
  • Stocks
  • Computer systems
  • Customer goods
  • Leasehold improvements
  • Glass
  • Single items such as jewelry, antiques, and sport equipment

Commercial Property Insurance benefits:

Claims-free discount: If you are claim-free for a period of three years with continuous coverage you may be eligible for a discount. Speak with your commercial insurance broker to learn more about your insurance benefits which include but are not limited to:

  • Peace of mind
  • Financial protection due to hardships
  • Minimal insurance premiums compared to the cost of replacing property
  • Customized business packages with flexible pricing
  • Flexible payment options

Tools & Equipment

Protect your tools and equipment with Integris insurance. In addition to providing ICBC fleet, non-fleet and garage policies, our team can help protect your equipment such as skid steers, loaders, backhoes, tractors, excavators, mining & logging equipment, and more.

Review our commercial auto insurance for logging trucks, delivery vehicles, and service vehicles.

Course of Construction (Builders Risk) Insurance

Course of Construction (COC) or Builder’s Risk insurance protects property owners, developers, and contractors while work – renovations or major construction – is being completed, or after work has been completed. COC insurance typically covers:

  • Cost to rebuild
  • Labour required to rebuild
  • Existing structure (actual cash value)
  • Off-site coverage/transit
  • Earthquake (optional)
  • Flood (optional)
  • Bylaws
  • Sewer backup
  • Fire department service charges
  • Fire equipment recharge
  • Valuable papers and records
  • Professional fees
  • Scaffolding, construction forms, and temporary structures

Business Interruption

Business interruption insurance covers the loss of income a business may suffer if business assets (building or contents) have been damaged by an insured event, such as a fire or break-in.

  • Allows you to stay in business versus risking insolvency
  • Company owners still receive personal salaries even though business not generating income
  • Assistance with the costs needed to get business back up and running as soon as possible

Construction Bonds

If you are bidding on contracts, you may need a contractor’s bond and our insurance experts can provide this coverage. A bond is a guarantee to a project owner that a project will be completed if a contractor defaults. Types of bonds include:

Bid Bonds: Ensures the bidder on the contract will enter into the contract and provide the required Labor & Materials and Performance Bonds if awarded the contract.

Contractor Bonds: A construction bond (contract bond) is a legal agreement in which the surety company guarantees that a contractor will perform obligations according to the established terms of a construction contract.

Labor & Materials Bond: Ensures suppliers and subcontractors are paid for work performed under the contract.

Performance Bond: Ensures the contract will be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

Commercial Surety Bonds

Commercial surety bonds satisfy the security requirements of federal and/or provincial courts, government bodies, financial institutions, and private corporations and protect against financial risk. These bonds guarantee that the business or individual will comply with all required legal obligations. Speak with your commercial insurance representative about our commercial surety bonds.

Court bonds: Court bonds are either judicial or fiduciary (probate) and protect against uncertainty in legal proceedings or ensure obligations, as well as court orders and applicable laws are fulfilled. 

Customs & excise bonds: Customs & excise bonds are required by federal or provincial governments and guarantee payment of various duties, tariffs, taxes and compliance with federal and provincial tax acts and regulations.

Licence and permit bonds: Required by federal, provincial and municipal governments to guarantee compliance with regulations and bylaws relating to a specific license or permit.  Examples of license and permit bonds include electrical contractors bonds, highway transportation bonds, gas permit bonds and more.

Lost document bonds: Required in order to obtain replacement certificates (for stock, debenture, warrant or bonds like Canada Savings Bonds), life insurance policies and other financial instruments when an individual or company loses the originals.  The bond guarantees that the issuer of the replacement security will not suffer any economic loss as a result of a duplicate instrument being issued.

Farm Coverage

Whether you have a working farm or a hobby farm, we have coverage options available for you. Insurance covers goods, loss of income, livestock mortality as well as more common coverages such as liability, dwellings, outbuildings, equipment breakdown and more.

Coverage can include but is not limited to:

  • Cattle
  • Ranches
  • Hogs
  • Horses
  • Hay
  • Straw
  • Dairy
  • Poultry
  • Feed
  • Grain
  • Equipment
  • Hobby Farms
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Making a Claim

Everything you need to know about making a claim if you experience an accident.

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Emergencies and How They Affect Your Insurance

An emergency such as a wildfire, flood, or natural disaster can impact your insurance. Protect your assets.

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