A Day in the Life of a Director

We’ve been promoting our Board of Directors by sharing Information Sessions, but we thought members would appreciate a different perspective so we’ve asked one of our Directors – Jennifer Wilczek – to share what it is like to be a Director. Read what she had to say below. 

Jennifer Wilczek Portrait
Director Jennifer Wilczek

A: Prior to joining the Board, I didn’t realize how much Integris was part of the community. I would see the logo at events I’d attend but being on the board has really showcased the community work this organization does and it’s shown me how diverse our involvement really is.

A: I really like how everyone on the board has a voice. We all have different backgrounds and different experiences which helps us during our discussions.  I often find that other comments help me see things in a different light or from a different angle and that helps enhance my governance experience.

A: There are a lot of educational opportunities on the board. I really enjoyed a past conference in Vancouver that I was able to to attend which had a really great guest speaker. This was really inspirational and motivational both as a Director and in my personal/work life. I have also really appreciated the opportunity to talk to fellow directors in the Northline Group. Many Directors have shared experience in both their role as a Director and in their personal life so it is really great to cultivate those relationships. Finally, I have found that I am able to use some of the knowledge from CU and education courses that I have taken in my work life which includes topics like communications, planning, governance, and evaluations.

A: I really like that the Credit Union is part of community, more local, and looks at the individual.  We are not a large corporation that looks at a number or has to send things further away for consideration.  We can work with the members and try to find a workable solution and that is really a differentiating factor between a credit union and a bank.

A: Before becoming a board member, I did ask some friends and colleagues who had been on boards in the past for some input.  They had really recommended it and found it really rewarding. They also mentioned (which I found to be true) was that the education around financial information was very valuable to their current life.  You don’t have to be a CPA to be a director!

A: Being a director really opened a lot of doors for me in a way I know it will do for new Directors too. I have met a whole team of other people, broadened my horizons and goals, increased my knowledge, learning about finance, planning, communication, evaluation, that I can more readily apply it to my personal life. Being a Director has helped me to grow and challenge myself to push myself further along as I go.


To learn more about our Board, visit our Board webpage, or reach out to our team.

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