Out here, home is invaluable.

Did you know the most common claim for home-owners is water damage? Each year as spring arrives and snow begins to melt we see an increase in water damage claims. In fact, in today’s world of extreme weather events, $1 billion has become the new normal for yearly catastrophic losses – most of this is due to water-related damage. [1]

Use these tips to prevent water damage to your home before it happens:

  • Keep roof clear of snow and ice, especially venting on the roof to prevent ice damming.
  • Keep snow away from foundation and window wells as much as possible.
  • Make sure eaves-troughs are clear of debris and ice so water can flow freely.
  • Make sure downspouts extend three to six feet away from your home to move water away from the foundation.
  • Don’t store items directly on basement floors in case water does enter the home.
  • Keep floor drains clear of debris so they can work properly in the event of water entering the basement.

Does your insurance policy cover flood, overland water or ground water? We’re here for all your insurance needs so call or visit an Integris Insurance Office today for a free, no obligations quote.

[1] Insurance Bureau of Canada (2017): http://www.ibc.ca/qc/disaster/water

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