Introducing our new board of directors!

Earlier this month, at our AGM, our board of directors said goodbye to two retiring directors, Jillian Merrick and Jennifer Wilczek. Jillian and Jennifer were great assets, serving the board for a number of years and we thank them for their service to our membership. At the AGM, our board also saw the addition of two new directors, Darren Ditto and Gerry Thiessen. Both have extensive governance experience and we’re excited to welcome them aboard.

At the conclusion of the AGM, the board met for its inaugural meeting to determine the new board executive. We’re pleased to share the the following members of the board have been elected to the executive:

  • Board Chair – Cheryl Wallace
  • Vice Chair – Alexandra Goseltine
  • Corporate Secretary – JP Wenger
  • Member at Large – Jim Rivett

The Integris board of directors plays a very important role in the governance of our credit union determining policies and doing its due diligence to ensure said policies are followed. This is done through committee and board work. We thank our directors for the 2023 fiscal year for putting their names forward and continuing to serve the membership.

Our board is a member elected board meaning any member in good standing may submit their name for consideration to the nominations committee to run in the director election. Being member owned also means that every member with a class A share is entitled to a vote in things such as director elections and Integris Credit Union rule changes.

To learn more about our board of directors, please visit our board page. Should you be interested in putting your name forward for consideration, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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