Cyber-criminals are taking advantage of the uncertainty around COVID-19, targeting the public through cyber-attacks that utilize social engineering to gain access to personal or financial data. 

The Canada Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) has compiled a comprehensive list of COVID-19 themed frauds and scams that have been reported. Below are ways that can help protect your personal and financial information.

Phishing Emails

Be aware of COVID-19 themed phishing emails. Do not open any related attachments. If you are not expecting the email, delete it. Refer to trusted websites for current information on the COVID-19 crisis.

Electrical Companies

Provincial/local power and electrical companies will not be disconnecting services for non-payment.  Both BC Hydro and Fortis have programs set up to assist customers who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19.  Refer to their websites for specific details: and

Public Health Agency of Canada

Be assured no Government or Public Health Agency will provide personal information to the general public – regardless of the pandemic.  Anyone selling lists of infected people in your neighborhood is most likely a fraudster.

COVID-19 Testing

Provincial Health Authorities (including Northern Health) are handling all COVID-19 testing.  Anyone asking for credit card information to complete the testing or provide the results, is most likely a fraudster.  The Public Health Agency of Canada is not conducting the testing.  As well, only hospitals and the Health Authorities are able to complete COVID-19 testing.  Always follow the advice of a medical professional before taking any product promising to prevent or cure COVID-19.  Anyone offering quick testing or easy solutions are mostly likely a fraudster.

Charitable Donations

Reputable charities, such as the Red Cross, will never request a donation in exchange for needed medical supplies. 

Financial Institutions – Credit Unions & Banks

All Financial Institutions, including Integris Credit Union, have plans in place to assist members impacted by COVID-19.  Be wary of Financial Advisors pressuring you to invest in hot new stocks or offering financial aid.  Contact your Integris representative directly if you have any financial concerns. 

Here is a list of trusted websites for information on COVID-19:

BC Centre of Disease Control:
Northern Health:
Public Health Agency of Canada:

For more information on COVID-19 themed Frauds and Scams, please visit the Canada Anti-Fraud Center. Individuals may also report any fraud (including COVID-19 related fraud) online. 

If you believe you have been a victim of a fraud or scam, please contact your Integris Branch Representative or call 250-612-3456 or 1-866-758-5678 immediately. 

On behalf of the Integris Risk Management Department (also known as the Fraud Squad), thank you.

Linda Sowles
Manager of Risk & Compliance

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