Updates to our Privacy Code

You and your privacy are important to us. After a thorough review, we are making some changes to Integris’ Privacy Code. These changes are intended to enhance your relationship with Integris and support your financial wellbeing. Below you will find highlighted changes, timelines, where to find more information, and who to contact should you have any additional questions.

Changes to the Code

The most significant change to Integris’ Privacy Code is with respect to the sharing of information between our subsidiaries: Integris Credit Union, Integris Insurance Services Ltd., and Integris Finan- cial Planning Services Ltd. The purpose of this change is to simplify our communication process and improve internal workflows. Here’s the change:

“Subject to applicable legislation, Integris may share your information with our subsidiaries in order to manage your relationship with Integris, to administer our banking operations, adjudicate credit, detect fraud and money laundering, service credit/loans, collect debts owed to Integris, and market products and services that may be of interest to you.”

We truly believe you will find our marketing communication to be relevant and supportive of your financial success. Our team is constantly working on enhancing our products and services to meet all your financial needs. From time to time, we may send you promotional marketing material such as rates, offers, promotions, and incentives to build our full service banking relationship with you, our valued member; however, with this new wording, should you choose to opt-out of marketing communication from one of our subsidiaries, you are now opting out of all of our subsidiaries. Likewise, if you choose to receive marketing communication from one of our subsidiaries, you consent to receiving marketing material from all of Integris’ subsidiaries.

We’ve also made some minor changes within the Privacy Code, such as an update to our language to better reflect our internal procedures.

In addition to the changes in the Privacy Code, we have also developed an online Marketing Communication Opt-Out / Opt-In form for your convenience. This form may be filled out in-branch at our online banking kiosk, or on your own personal device.

Please note that if you have previously opted out of marketing messages, you do not need to opt-out again – your previous opt-out will remain in place. If you would like to opt-in to marketing messages, please visit the Marketing Communication Opt-Out / Opt-In form listed above. The form also allows members to opt into marketing messages if they previously opted out.

Find Out More

To find out more information, visit our Privacy Code.


The Privacy Code changes come into effect October 15th, 2020 and members will have 75 days to opt-out of the changes. After the 75 day opt-out period, consent to share information with our subsidiaries for marketing purposes will be implied. Members may opt-out of marketing at any time.


Should you have questions about our Privacy Code changes, please email: privacyofficer@integriscu.ca

Thanks for your continued support, for supporting local, and choosing Integris.

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