Get Cyber Safe is a national public awareness campaign created to inform Canadians about cyber security and the simple steps they can take to protect themselves online. For Fraud Prevention Month 2023, they have compiled a list exposing the common tools fraudsters will use to try and trick you. 


Fraudsters will use spoofing as a phishing scheme to trick you into thinking a legitimate source is contacting you. They will change their caller-ID displayed for phones, send you convincing information in messages, and create fake emails impersonating someone you know. This is to try and trick you into giving them personal information.

Spoofing Tip:

If a caller asks for your personal information, hang up, verify the number, then call the verified phone number of the place/ person they say they are. For email and message spoofing, hover your mouse over the sender’s email address and look closely for differences in the address. If they don’t match – don’t respond!


Fraudsters often use urgent language, like “act fast” or “click now.” The urgency is to try and trick you into sending money or personal information or clicking on malicious links before considering whether the request is fake.

Urgency Tip:

Real emergencies don’t happen over messages. Pause to think about whether the call or message seems fake and contact the source another way to confirm the situation.

Emotional manipulation

Fraudsters will play on your emotions to trick you into believing their story. Their goal is to get you to send them personal information or money. They practice this by pretending to be a romantic interest, family member, or charity. They may also pretend to be involved in an emergency.

Emotional Manipulation Tip:

Be suspicious of anyone you meet online who claims their love or friendship to you, tells you a traumatic story, or makes you uncomfortable. Remember – no matter how much time is invested in the online relationship, staying alert is important if they ever ask for personal information or money.


A fraudster may threaten you or your family if you don’t do what they ask. For example, they will threaten arrest, physical or financial harm, or release sensitive information or pictures.

Threat Tips:

If you get a threatening call or message, hang up or delete it. If you need to confirm whether it’s real, contact the organization that is supposedly threatening you.


Fraudsters use pop-ups on your device screen, saying you’ve won a prize or that your device is infected. This tricks you into clicking on a link or calling a phone number. These scams trick you into offering personal information or installing malware/ viruses on your devices.

Pop-Ups Tip:

Protect your device by installing anti-virus protection and pop-up ad blockers. Clear your internet cache and block cookies frequently. And avoid using public wi-fi or unsecured networks. Finally, never call a phone number or click on a link provided in a pop-up.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Fraudsters can optimize their fake websites to appear in the top results of an online search. Additionally, their malicious websites can appear as legitimate sources to trick you into offering personal information or downloading malware/ viruses.

SEO Tip:

Please don’t assume the top results means it’s the actual link. Fraudsters will often create websites that look official but will change one letter or have a slightly different domain. They can sometimes pay to have their website show up first. Always verify the link and contact information before using the website.

Links and attachments

By sending out mass phishing messages with malicious links and attachments, fraudsters can almost guarantee they will catch a victim who clicks on one. In addition, these links and attachments can download malware onto your devices or send you to malicious sites.

Links and Attachments Tips:

Don’t click on a link sent to you randomly in an email, text message or message on social networking sites. Instead, navigate to the site through your internet browser and use the contact information from your search to contact the company. This protects your internet device and confirms with the sender before downloading attachments.


Fraudsters will research and learn about you and your connections to be more believable when they target you. This is referred to as spear phishing.

Impersonation Tip:

If you receive a message saying they are someone you know, and they ask you to click on a link or download something – pause and think! Don’t trust the message just because they say they are your friend/ family member/ loved one. The impersonator might offer very convincing information to seem legitimate, but always verify the sender through another way first.

Now that you know what tools and tactics fraudsters will try to use on you, you can protect your personal information better. It is also important to keep up with safe internet best practices.

We’re here for our friends when they need us. 

Our vision at Integris is to enrich the lives of all we serve – this means your online security is incredibly important to us because, if compromised, it greatly affects your financial health. If you, or someone you know, feel like you are being targeted by a phishing scam/ defrauded in any way, please get in touch with us immediately by contacting any of our branches. If you can’t reach us during closed hours, feel free to reach out to us on Facebook messenger (@integriscu), and a representative will get back to you as soon as we can. Read below on fraud indicators and tips to protect yourself from becoming a victim. 

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