Integris Privacy Code

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Privacy Code

Integris is responsible for and committed to ensuring and maintaining the confidentiality, accuracy, security, and protection of individual privacy and all information under our control. To learn more about our Privacy Code, review the below material, or speak with your in-branch representative.

Effective May 2020

Integris (inclusive of Integris Credit Union, Integris Insurance Services Ltd., and Integris Financial Planning Ltd.) is responsible for and committed to ensuring and maintaining the confidentiality, accuracy, security, and protection of individual privacy and all information under our control. The Integris Board of Director approved Personal Information Protection Policy (the “Policy”) is designed to meet the requirements of the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”) and regulations. Our Personal Information Protection Officer (the “Privacy Officer”) is accountable for Integris’ compliance with the principles described in this policy (the “Code”).

From time to time, we may amend this Policy and/or the Code. When we do so, we will provide notice on our website, and we may also notify you directly by email, mail, digital channels, and/or through signage at our branches.

Before Integris collects, uses, or discloses your personal information, we will obtain your consent, except in accordance with privacy laws. We will only make your consent a condition of obtaining a product or service when it is reasonably required in order for us to provide that product or service.

Consent can be obtained verbally, electronically, or in writing. Consent may also, in some circumstances, be implied, such as when you leave a telephone number or send us an electronic (ie. email or text) and request that we contact you. You can also give express consent through an authorized representative such as a lawyer, agent or broker.

Members may withdraw or refuse consent to collect, use, disclose or retain certain personal information. This withdrawal or refusal may prevent Integris from providing a product or service to the member. If the information is required by law or necessary to operate banking systems, we may decline or discontinue the membership / relationship.

With your consent we record incoming and outgoing phone calls through our Member Experience Centre (Contact Centre). Our purpose is to ensure you receive a quality member experience and will use recordings to ensure accuracy and for training purposes. Your consent is implied when you allow the call to connect with a Member Relationship representative. When you do not consent to call recording you must disconnect the call and connect with Integris in branch, or through our on-line channels.

Under PIPA, the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information may occur in certain circumstances without your knowledge or consent. The related circumstances are:

  • When permitted or required by law
  • During an emergency that threatens an individual’s life, health, or personal security
  • In collection or payment of a debt
  • If obtaining consent would interfere with an investigation or legal proceeding
  • If we are seeking a legal opinion or advice

Information described in this Policy is information about you that relevant privacy legislation classifies as personal information. The information that we collect from you depends on the specific products and services you request. Most of the information we collect about you is received from you directly. To provide you with products or services, we generally need your name, address, date of birth, occupation and employer. We also require your contact information such as your phone number and email address. When you apply for credit, you will be asked to provide additional information on your employment and finances.

Information is collected from other sources including: government agencies and public registries, credit reporting agencies, other lenders and financial institutions, service providers, agents and other organizations with whom you or we conduct business with, including persons authorized to act on your behalf under a power of attorney or other legal authority and from any references you have provided.

Your personal information will be collected, used, disclosed, and retained for the purpose for which it was obtained or for purposes authorized or required by law. Integris may share your information with its employees, credit reporting agencies, other financial institutions, Canada Revenue Agency, financial industry regulators, and your legal representatives.

Integris will not collect, use, disclose, or retain personal information for any other purpose unless your consent to do so is obtained.

As part of day-to-day management of your account and the services we provide you, we may at times disclose your personal information when required to do so by law or when necessary in order to continue to provide you with products and services. We disclose your personal information only with your consent to third-party suppliers such as: cheque printers, statement producers, credit cards, and access to on-line banking. Integris does not sell or share your information with third parties without your consent.

Subject to applicable legislation, Integris may share your information with our subsidiaries in order to manage your relationship with Integris, to administer our banking operations, adjudicate credit, detect fraud and money laundering, service credit/loans, collect debts owed to Integris, and market products and services that may be of interest to you.

We are required to collect your Social Insurance Number (SIN) for tax residency purposes and for any products that earn investment income (including membership shares) to comply with Canada Revenue Agency’s reporting requirements.

For the purposes of identification, your SIN may be requested and collected. In some circumstances, you may not be required to share your SIN; however, if a SIN is not provided, it may create challenges in verifying identity. For example, in the case of a credit check, the credit report may contain inaccuracies, as is in the case of individuals with common names.

Providing your SIN for product(s) is optional; however, by not providing Integris with your SIN, it will limit products and services available to you.

You have the right to request access to your personal information held by Integris (an “Access to Information Request”).

Access to Information Requests will be processed within 30 business days. If Integris is unable to provide the requested information within 30 business days, a written notice of time extension will provided within 30 days of the request.

An Access to Information Request for personal information must be written and specific to the type of information required. Requests for information may be submitted to any Integris branch or directly to the Privacy Officer. Please note, there may be associated fees to fulfill the request depending on the type and amount of information requested.

If an Access to Information Request is refused in whole or in part, Integris will provide written notification of our refusal, reason for the refusal, and any other options that may be available.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is accurate and current. It is important to keep us informed when the information in our control is not current or contains an error. We will notify anyone that we have misinformed as a result of an error in your information.

Integris protects your information against unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, or other risks using thorough and reasonable safeguards, training, and security measures.

Your information is retained for as long as we reasonably require it for legal or business purposes and in accordance with PIPA.

Our Privacy Officer oversees our privacy compliance and laws. One of the duties of the Privacy Officer is to respond to inquiries.

If you have comments or questions about your privacy or our Privacy Policy or Privacy Code, or if you have a complaint about our collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please contact Integris’ Privacy Officer at

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